
Each year, the Carbondale Branch offers scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students.

The Anna Morris Graduate Scholarship is awarded to a woman currently enrolled at SIUC and continuing or entering any field of graduate education in the Graduate School or a program of professional education in law or medicine.
The 2023 awardee was Lulu Maher Abou-Jabal, a graduate student in the MEDPREP program at SIU School of Medicine.

The Joyce A. Kelly Memorial Scholarship is reserved for a non-traditional SIUC graduate student. The late Joyce A. Kelly achieved her educational goals later in life, while raising her family. Her family and friends established the scholarship in her memory to commemorate her achievements and her dedication to AAUW.
The 2023 awardee was Karla Rivas Grathler, a Master’s student in Public Health.

The Lelia Marvin Award is granted to an undergraduate student transferring to SIUC from John A. Logan Community College.
In 2023, the Lelia Marvin scholarship was awarded to Communication Disorders student Kristen Kadela.